David Kennedy

Painter. Contemporary


Painting - Engraving - Drawing - Calligraphy

naturalized french painter for 15 years, my name is David Kennedy. Multidisciplinary artist, I express myself by painting, engraving, drawing and calligraphy.
Artistic creation is a vital act for me: it is an effusion of the soul that questions reality in all its forms. The Art serves me to capture the beauty of the physical world, to embark on a criticism of society, or to make my sufferings visible. I fully assume the appelation 'social poet' dear to Pablo Neruda.

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My art, my works of artist painter

I invite you to discover my art galleries: paintings, engravings, drawings, calligraphies.

As a Child, I went very often in museums in Canada.

Knowing nothing about painting, I observed the different techniques of painters of all times without any preconceptions. Whether contemporary art, modern art, the art of great masters all schools combined - Impressionists, abstract, pointillists ...Before starting to make adult paint, I didn’t master any techniques. I learned the gestures of the artist painter in studio - acrylic painting, watercolors, oil ...

Above all, I tried to get closer, to understand the techniques of painters , of the large canvases of my childhood.My curiosity drives me, motivates me. Curious by nature, I do not limit myself to a pictorial genre, nor to a given technique. I give myself complete freedom to experiment.I push the field of research by using computer tools and photography in the design of the works. Then, I create them using the traditional painting techniques. The fact remains that the imprint of the computer or photographic tool is reflected in the composition of the work.


Curious and accomplished artist, I also specialized in engraving using a variety techniques and methods. Far from being locked up in a single creative know-how, this panel of supports and tools allows me to fully give measurement to my creations. I work copper or zinc plates with strong water and aquatint, direct and gentle size, sometimes even to photoengraving ...

Engraving is an art where the interaction of the painter with the materials used is very important. The accident itself is an expression .. I accept it and compose with him.

Engraving is an art that leads me to be sensitive to the tactile language of materials.


The drawing is a whole, it is a primordial step in the artistic creation of a work and a work of art in itself.

I create drawings from nature with models as well as by using my imagination.

Curious painter, I draw using all available mediums: the ink of China, pencils, charcoal, pastel, gouache ... I have a natural gift for drawing, especially with ink of China. The exchanges during my numerous artistic meetings have sharpened this gift.

 For me, art does not be learned in textbooks .. Nothing is more educational than praxis.

I have diversified my horizons and learned new techniques through my career and meetings.

It is through meetings that I acquire new techniques and enrich my range of potential projects.

I express my sensitivity through various means that it is in engraving, painting, drawing and calligraphy.

Works and gallery

Art gallery, exhibition of works, creations